Tips To Stay Focus Work From Home (WFH) | SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES
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Tips to Stay Focus Work From Home (WFH)


Make a List

Lists may seem a little old school. But, keeping track of all your to-do’s will help you stay focused while working from home, and also provide you with a starting point at the beginning of each day. That list will serve as a daily reminder of what has to get done.


Create a Home Office

In most cases, working remotely allows you to work from anywhere. And while this freedom is typically one of the benefits of a flexible job, setting up a home office is still highly recommended. If your work-from-home arrangements are temporary and a full-on office isn’t realistic, try to create a dedicated workspace that allows you to focus while working from home.


Structure Your Day

Start with the time you know you’re the most productive and focused then establish your work hours around those times. That means setting and sticking to boundaries. This is critical to staying focused while working from home. Let well-meaning family members and friends know that even though you’re home, you don’t have time for unlimited socializing. Instead, chat with them briefly during one of your breaks for a quick boost. And stay on schedule by truly working the hours you’ve dedicated to your job.


Limit Media Consumption

Checking out what’s happened every time your phone beeps can divide your attention, making you a less productive worker. However, during the pandemic, these constant checks can also make you anxious, which, in turn, can make you lose focus on your work. To avoid these pitfalls (and maintain your mental well-being), try these tricks.

Set a Timer on Your Phone - While you are sitting at your desk, it can be tempting to pick up your phone, especially WhatsApp notification. To stop you from being distracted, set the timer on your phone for few minutes that you have to focus to your task, turn off notifications, and then put it out of sight. Not only does the timer help structure your time, it is also a reminder that you’re not supposed to be looking at your phone.



Resouces :

  1. FlexJobs -

Date of Input: 30/10/2020 | Updated: 31/10/2020 | aslamiah


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